Investment Overview

A key benefit to a SSAS is the broad range of permitted investments that can be arranged. If you require any further information on any investments then please feel free to advise us and we will use our expertise to help guide your investment choice.

Commercial Property

The funds in a SSAS can be used to purchase a commercial property, including business premises for your company which can then be leased back to the company.

For further information on this, click here.


A SSAS is permitted to lend money to its establishing and contributing employers as well as to unconnected third parties if they are genuine investments of the pension scheme.

For further information on this, click here.

Scheme Borrowing

A registered pension scheme may borrow for any purpose. Borrowing may be from any individual, company or financial institution (bank) whether or not they are connected to the scheme, but any borrowing from a connected party, which is not made on commercial terms, is subject to a tax charge.

The amount that can be borrowed by a pension scheme is 50% of net scheme assets. Net scheme assets will include the market value of members´ and dependants´ unsecured and alternatively secured pensions and the market value of any non vested benefits.

Other Investment Opportunities

There is also the option of company share purchase through a SSAS, the limit on holdings of shares in the sponsoring employer is up to 5% of the Scheme assets or 20% of scheme assets where they relate to more than one sponsoring employer.

Along with this you can also invest in:

  • Funds & Equities:
    • Quoted shares and listed companies on a recognised stock exchange
    • Unquoted shares in private un-listed UK/overseas companies
    • Futures and Options on a recognised exchange
    • Unit Trusts and OEICs
    • Insurance company managed funds and unit-linked funds
    • Trustee Investment bonds
    • Hedge funds

  • Other:
    • Investment grade gold bullion
    • Intellectual property rights
    • Private Equity and Venture Capital Trusts